Job Application

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out before submitting.

Personal Details

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone *

Current address

Address *
City *
State *
Zip code *


Do you have a high school diploma? Yes
Have you ever work for a restaurant? Yes
Do you have a food handlers permit? Yes
Where did you use to work?
Are you legally authorized to work in the US? Yes
Are you under 18 years old? Yes
Are you available to work in weekend? Yes
How many hours a week are you able to work? 1-10 hours
10-20 hours
20-30 hours
30-40 hours
Do you speak other language then English? if you do, please type in the language.
Upload your resume here if possible
What is your desired hourly wage?
What position are you applying for? Front desk staff
Kitchen staff